Mr. Albert Mowbray is best known for his major contribution to the literature of insurance, "Insurance, Its Theory and Practice in the United States." First published in 1930, and revised frequently, this book served many years as the basis for a generation of texts in the insurance field.
He produced a solid base for the construction of principles of insurance courses through the country --- at a time when few insurance texts were available for university courses in insurance. For decades his volume was compulsory reading for hundreds of thousands of young insurance scholars. It served as a model for many insurance texts to come.
Albert Mowbray’s actuarial skill influenced many vital developments in insurance institutions in the Untied States. He produced significant work on the distribution of surplus of life insurers. He did authoritative work in the area of social insurance through service with the Industrial Commission of New York, the National Council of Compensation Insurance, and the 1935 Committee on Social Security and the Advisory Council on the Social Security Act.
Professor Mowbray taught at the University of California for almost 40 years.