Alex Möller

Alex Möller

Dr. Alex Möller made outstanding contributions to the reconstruction of the private insurance industry in the Federal Republic of Germany during the years after World War II. His contributions were essential to establish a solid legal and economic framework for the insurance business in Post-War Germany.

When the war ended, he was chairman of the insurance committee set up in Baden-Württemberg and was the first Chairman of the Association of Life Insurance Companies in Germany from1948 to1952. Between 1961 to and 1976, he was a member of parliament for the constituency of Heidelberg. Later, from1964 to 1969 and again from1972 to 1976, he was Deputy Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group. In 1969, he was appointed Federal Minister of Finance, a post he held until 1971.

He worked in the field service of "Wiener Phoenix" and after that company had been liquidated, he joined the Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG, where he held many positions, becoming Chairman of the Executive Board in 1945. During this period, he was particularly successful in the field of group insurance.

As a businessman, he gave political and economic policymakers in Germany ideas with his numerous publications on economics, monetary and financial policy and his treatises on the theory and practice of insurance. His comments on the Act to Promote Stability and Economic Growth in 1968 had a lasting imprint on economics in Germany. A prolific writer, he also worked as Managing Editor on the leading German trade journals of the time.

After he ceased involvement in political affairs, Dr. Möller continued to make his expertise available. In 1976, he played a crucial part in planning in Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's administration. He regarded his contribution in helping to set up the German Marshall Fund as a primary achievement and he later ( in 1977) produced a report on Egypt's economic problems for then President Anwar el Sadat.

He produced a large number of publications, notably "Comments on the Law of Stability (1968)", "A Working Life for Assurance (1973)", "Comrade Chairman (1978)", and "The Scene of the Political Crime (1982)".