Hans Gerling

Hans Gerling

Following World War II, Dr. Hans Gerling contributed to the reconstruction of Germany’s economy through his company, Gerling, one he inherited from his father, but which was nearly destroyed during the war. With novel insurance products and services, he was able to make the company one of the most successful insurers in Germany and throughout the world.

He was the first German insurance entrepreneur in the post-war era to develop his company beyond the German borders through an international strategy for expansion. His ability to discern future trends and developments early helped him respond to changes in risks swiftly by introduction of new insurance products, services or marketing strategies.

The Gerling Group of Companies, under his leadership, developed and expanded into one of the foremost insurers in (Federal Republic of ) Germany. His formula was to develop a partnership with clients in the focus of all activities. This philosophy realized that the client was not necessarily interested in ready- made answers but wanted services and solutions tailored to fit his specific circumstances.

Responding to the increasingly international activity of clients, Gerling also extended primary insurance to foreign countries from 1969 onwards. His company was one of the first to offer Germany industrial and trade enterprises comprehensive coverage for the national as well as international investments--- from one single source. He benefited from growth abroad by developing an international network and strengthening the company’s position as the insurer of industry and trade.