Horst K. Jannott

Horst K. Jannott

Dr. Horst Jannott served as Chairman of the Board of Management of Munich Reinsurance Company, Germany, and is recognized as a major influence in the international insurance and reinsurance business. He was a key figure in supporting research that identified specific insurance problems and alternative sources of actions. His research led to many innovations in the field of loss prevention, as well as in insurance company operations.

A strong believer in high professional standards within the insurance business, Dr. Jannott established many scholarships for young insurance people around the world. He also supported university programs geared to the needs of insurance managers. He devoted time to the development of institutions serving the educational needs of the insurance business.

His belief in private solutions to solving risk problems led to an effort to create a pool to underwrite the products liability exposure of German pharmaceutical firms.

Dr. Jannott’s international interests and influence were seen in his long commitment to enhancing information and expertise with previously closed markets of Eastern Europe and China. His effort helped ease the way for other insurers to serve in these areas.

On a broader front, he was able to address major social problems through his association with major international political bodies. He and Munich Re were major contributors to the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, thus providing a positive thrust to scientific inquiry.