Mr. John Fisher served from 1981 to 1991 as General Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide Insurance Company. He also served in leadership roles as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters and Chairman of the American Council of Life Insurers.
Because of his strong commitment to continuing education and professionalism, he received the honor of having the Nationwide Training Center named after him, where thousands of employees prepare each year for improved insurance education and knowledge.
Nationwide’s business interests were both national and global, and John Fisher was known as a world leader in international cooperative circles. He served for many years on the Executive Committee of the International Cooperative Insurance Federation and as its Chairman. This organization was a voluntary federation of 120 cooperative insurers in 43 countries.
His humanitarian and community service were substantial and he served in key leadership roles in many service organization for the unemployed, food banks for the needy, and health cost containment programs.
A final example of his altruism and leadership is the key role he played for many years in the USA Medicare Program. He recognized early in the program that a strong bond of cooperation between government and private industry was an indispensable element to an efficient, cost-contained national Medicare Program. He vigorously promoted and ensured the continuing commitment of the Nationwide organization to the nation’s Medicare program on a not-for-profit basis.