Max E. Eisenring

Max E. Eisenring

In the early 1930’s, Mr. Max Eisenring, following graduation from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in mathematics, assumed a post with the ETH Student Association, first as a representative for the Delegates Convention and later as a member of the Executive Board. Later, he served as Secretary of the Committee for Student Exchanges with the ETH Student Association and became Secretary of the Committee for Student Exchanges. In this post for six years, he became heavily involved in student causes such as academic careers and he organized and chaired many important international student courses. In 1936, he took a post as principal mathematics teacher at an international secondary school.

In 1944, his career took a turn as he joined Swiss Re as an actuary. He worked in many capacities with Swiss Re, including as manager of the Life Department, and in 1964 he became President of the Board of Directors. Working for Swiss Re Insurance Co. for over three decades, he retired as President of the Board of Directors in 1979 and became Honorary President.

During his career at Swiss Re, he devoted himself to economic and social issues. He was able to tour Africa and India, renewing contacts that had lapsed during World War II, and thus paved the way for new links with emerging nations. In 1955, after l0 years with Swiss Re, he was entrusted with an important position as Manager of the Life Department, one of the company’s main profit centers. He was involved in the reorganization of the parent company and Swiss Re Group, the introduction of internal training and the founding of the Swiss Insurance Training Center.

Max Eisenring has long been recognized as a leading force in seeking a greater sense of internationalism in insurance. He was motivated in his career to bring people together of many nations for exchanges of information and for a greater understanding of the identity of purpose found in insurance operations of all countries. He was a leading spokesman for an exchange in knowledge between insurance communities and developing nations.

He was responsible in large measure for the development of a series of seminars at the Swiss Insurance Training Center (SITC) which provided technical insurance information to insurers throughout the world and which gave insurance executives of different countries an opportunity to learn from each other.

The Swiss Insurance Training Centre, one of the world’s foremost training grounds for insurance executives, stemmed in large measure from his thinking and organizational efforts. This training center has been a practical development course for participants from over one hundred countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

A listing of his published works and lectures shows how many principles of insurance he was expert in. And he was active in lecturing around the world at insurance events. He was a member of Credit Suisse’s Board of Directors from 1967 to 1980.