Siegfried Sellitsch

Siegfried Sellitsch

Dr. Siegfried Sellitsch served with Wiener Staedtische Insurance, Vienna, Austria, beginning in 1966 and became its Secretary General in 1971 and its CEO in 1989. In 2001, he was named CEO of the Mutual Holding Company of Wiener Staedtsiche and retired in 2005. He has enjoyed a long and productive career as the “face” of the insurance industry in Austria but also throughout Europe, particularly pioneering in Eastern European countries.

He was elected several times as the President and Chairman of the Austrian Insurance Association and has served on the Boards of the Austrian Actuarial Society and the Vienna University of Technology.

During the 1990’s, Dr. Sellitsch founded an insurance company in Czechoslovakia and had influence in launching other insurance companies in Central and Eastern .Europe as democratization developed. He is considered a pioneer in Austrian insurance education, creating a network system leading from professional training colleges to the academic university level. Finally, he has been a constant voice on Austrian financial policy and has been honored on many occasions by the Republic of Austria in the fields of insurance and financial services.